TopFlight Combatives And Defense LLC

Where it all started

Dr. Fred Waters, Jr. (10th Dan), began studying Martial Arts in 1973 under Sensei Walter Dobson, of Dobsons Isshinryu Golden Dragons in Steelton Pa. He is an Army Veteran; has studied Judo, Tae Kwon Do and Chinese boxing. Later he began to study under Walter E. Ziegler and currently he is a (FASST) instructor for Hanshi Frank W. Dux and is an 8 time Martial Arts Hall of Famer.

Our Team is Growing

Master Tomeka Farrar is an incredible and important part of our Top Flight Combatives and Defense organization. She is skilled at self-defense techniques as well as weapons training


We believe in order to be prepared, you have to start with asking questions. Looking forward to hearing from you to get started.